Sarah Morpeth
Sarah has worked as an artist for the past 15 years, creating books and work in cut paper. She takes much inspiration from the landscape and natural environment surrounding her Northumberland home, often featuring the wildlife from her garden and nearby fields and verges.
Her pieces combine a variety of processes, including stitching, bookbinding, hand painting, printing, as well as hand and machine cutting.
Sarah says she is constantly fascinated in how folding and cutting a flat piece of paper can magically be transformed into something three-dimensional.
Her creations usually begin with text, many of them inspired by a 1945 film
called 'I Know Where I'm Going'. The film script, characters, cinematography and film structure, all influence her, with bits of the script trickling into her pieces, snippets of dialogue are reformed, taking on new meanings and telling different stories. She also uses half-remembered lines of songs and poems. The text forms an integral part of her work, shaping their form in the process, as she seeks to find that perfect marriage of form and content in all her work.
Sarah also runs workshops from her rural studio.
Find out more or contact Sarah via the direct links below.

Tapestry Garden

The Hare she Loves the Hill

In the Hedgerow

I Will Arise and Go Now

Catriona's Second book

A Violet by a Mossy Stone


Brock the Badger

Box Book