Etal Village Hall
Ford and Etal
Second Wednesday of each month April till October 2025
April 9; May 14; June 11; July 9; August 13; September 10; October 8
Free Admission
Art at Etal takes place on the second Wednesday of each month, from April till October, at Etal village Hall, Ford and Etal, Northumberland.
Each month we're joined by 12 artists and artisanmakers. but not always the same ones, as they come and go throughout the year. This means that every month is different and there's always new work to see.
These events are very informal, sometimes we incorporate a separate mini exhibition or art demonstrations. They're a great way to meet the artists and find out more about their work.
If you're an artist or maker and would like more info about taking part in any of our events, please get in touch at Tell us about your work and s send a few images or link it
We'd also love to hear from any nearby galleries or artists with their own studios who would like to find out more about being part of our event days - which are all part of the new annual Art Trail Northumberland and Borders,
Art at Etal Wednesday April 9
Here are all the artist's joining us.
Many of them have online Studios at The Tin Shed (click highlighted names below to visit them).
Textile artist Natalie Goodman will also be staging demonstrations of freestyle machine embroidery throughout the day.
We're not able to accept any more artists for April 9 at Etal, but we still have spaces available for all other months. If you're an artist or maker and would like to join any of our other events, please get in touch at

Abstract Photographer


Rachel Meehan

Olive Rowell
Textile Artist

Jeanie Lander
Textile Artist

Art at Etal
Etal Village Hall 2024

Textile Artist

Marian Mather

Fiona Ross
Textile Artist

Jackie Sisson
Jewellery Designer

Denise Playfair
Textile Artist

Stephen Lennon
