Alison Gargett
Alison Gargett is a mixed media artist who lives and works in Durham City. Her paintings are inspired by her love of vivid, vibrant colours and how they work together. She usually works in acrylics with added mixed media for texture, including household paints, oils and spray paints.
Alison takes the same approach to whatever she paints, whether it's floral, abstract or a more general piece.
In 2016 Alison was a winner of the Abstract Expressionist Competition, which was run alongside the Abstract Expressionist Exhibition and shown at London's Royal Academy. She has exhibited in a number of galleries.
Here's a selection of her work. See more via the links below.

Living Bouquet
92x92cms. Boxed Canvas

War Games
90x90cms. Spray & household paints

100x100cms, Spray & household paints

Pink Flowers

Pink Flowers in the Middle (sold)

Lindisfarne (Sold)

40x30cms. Acrylics & spray paint

Pink Clematis (Sold)

Blue Birds

Lindisfarne Gold